
How Do I Find Archived Emails On Gmail


This is how you lot easily detect archived emails in gmail

When I switched from Microsoft Outlook to Gmail, one of the outset questions I had was about finding my archived emails in Gmail, because I could non detect a label called archived emails.

Then I did a fleck of enquiry and found out some interesting things Gmail practice with archived emails.

And then How to find archived emails in gmail?

Archived emails disappear from your Gmail Inbox and stay forever in All Mails label until y'all manually delete them. These archived emails can exist easily institute nether "All Mails" label in Gmail. You tin besides utilize Gmail filters to easily find specific archived emails.

To discover your archived emails, first click on "More" link in the left manus navigation of your Gmail as shown below (it works for both personal Gmail and Google Workspace subscription)

1. Click on more in Gmail

Here you volition see a label called "All Mail", click on it to see all your emails including the ones you lot archived.

2. Click on All Mail label to see all your archived emails

Utilise Gmail filter to find specific archived emails

At present you already know that yous can go to All Mail label and find your archived emails there, but what if you lot desire to find a specific email from someone that y'all archived?

Yous tin can employ "in:all" filter which volition show you all the emails including archived ones, You can also add together more criteria to this filter to discover specific archived emails.

For due east.thou If I want to find an archived electronic mail which was sent to me from Microsoft and had an zipper, I tin utilise filter like

in:all has:attachment

It volition evidence me all such emails as shown in the screenshot below.

5. Find specific archived emails with Gmail filter

How to find archived emails in Gmail on Android

To see archived emails on your Android device —> open your Gmail app —> click on the hamburger icon on summit left, and so click on All Mail service label.

Hither y'all will see all archived emails equally shown in the screenshot beneath.

Easily find Gmail archived emails on Android

Gmail E-mail Archiving Functionality

Email archiving functionality in Gmail is indeed very thoughtful work by Google, it would be helpful to understand how does gmail archive binder work so you can easily use it for your advantage.

I am sure you would like to keep your Gmail inbox as clean as possible, but we all get hundreds of email now a days, you can of course delete the emails that are of no value to you, but what about emails that are not relevant today, but might be in the futurity?

Thats where y'all can use Gmail's email archiving functionality, every bit shortly equally yous archive an e-mail, information technology disappears from your Inbox and goes toAll Post label. It helps keeping our Inbox clean without losing or deleting the email that we might need in the hereafter.

Delete vs Archive Emails - When should you use them?

To understand when should y'all archive vs delete emails, you should first understand the fundamental differences betwixt them.

Feature Delete Email Annal Electronic mail
Default Behavior When you delete an email in Gmail, it goes to your Trash characterization. When you archive an email in Gmail, it essentially remove the inbox label from that electronic mail which makes it disappear from Inbox, and land in All Mail label.
Electronic mail Memory Deleted Emails are retained in Trash label for 30 days, subsequently 30 days they are deleted permanently and can not be recovered.

Yous have an selection to manually empty your Trash label someday which volition delete those trashed emails permanently.

Archived Emails are retained forever in your All Mails label unless you lot either manually select and delete them OR delete them automatically past creating a Gmail filter.
Gmail filter to find You can use in:Trash filter to run across all of your deleted emails. Y'all can use in:all filter to view all archived emails (now substantially it includes all emails non merely archived ones,

Nevertheless, you tin can apply other filter criteria to notice specific archived email every bit shown above).

Bulk Operation Yes, yous can majority delete either all or specific emails. Yes, you lot tin can bulk archive either all or specific emails.

Recommendation :
As Gmail offers plenty storage to keep thousands of emails, I would recommend you lot to delete emails only when you are sure you won't need them in time to come. If you are dicy, then it's improve to archive them.

Archive your Gmail emails with ease

Yous can archive the emails that you do non want to encounter in your inbox for now by just selecting them and and then clicking on archive button every bit shown in below screenshot.

3. Select all required emails and click on Archive to archive them

You lot can also use search bar to annal specific emails (for e.g if I want to archive all emails which I got from AppSheet, I tin utilize a filter like following and and so select to archive these emails.

4. Archive selective Gmail emails using filters

Withal, in that location might be scenarios where you practise not want some specific emails to appear in your Inbox, rather should be archived straight away.

For e.g : I want email notifications should be archived automatically. I can use Gmail filter for this as shown beneath.

one. I tin put my criteria in Gmail filter to search for emails that I want to be automatically archived (in my case this criteria will be

6. Create a Gmail filter to archive emails

As shown in the screenshot below, you should :
1. Select the Inbox (Archive information technology).
two. Also select Also utilise filter to 20 matching conversations to annal existing emails that match my criteria.
3. Create a filter

At present all my future emails that match this criteria would be archived automatically without a need for me to manually select and archive them.

7. Select existing conversations too if you want to archive them

How to delete archived emails?

Finally, in case if you need to delete your archived emails, you lot can simply grando to All Mail characterization, select the emails you want to delete, and then delete them by clicking the delete button in the menu bar as shown in the screenshot below.

You can too delete specific archived emails easily by using the Gmail filter.

delete archived emails in gmail


As you simply read How to detect archived emails in gmail?, I would recommend following every bit complimentary reading.

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22 thoughts on "How to find archived emails in gmail?"

  1. The annal "feature" was in no style thoughtfully implemented by Google engineers are y'all assert. This is the most inconvenient and unhelpful "feature" I've come across in my thirty years in It. Let me start by pointing out that archiving is configured by default for swiping left or right in the Android app. At that place is no prompt asking if that'south what you really want to exercise. It but does information technology by default… And there'due south literally no mode to detect those archived emails again. Unless, that is, you're Rain Human and accept a solid photographic memory of every email that's Ever come into your inbox and can identify the letters yous accidently swiped on. Again, this isn't a convenient user-friendly characteristic meant to enhance the user feel.

    I've been using Gmail for more than a decade. I literally have thousands upon thousands of emails. Why is there not an easier method of viewing ONLY the archived messages? Clicking on "All Post" shows everything. How is that helpful in my case? Using the search "has:nouserlabels" provides aught help every bit information technology still shows all emails with the Inbox label set. Again, at that place's absolutely no way to discover these emails that I accidentally swiped on over the years.

    For as much every bit I beloved Google and the Android platform, they create some ridiculously stupid "features" that make me want to start considering other platforms (i.eastward. Apple).

    1. I am running into the same trouble. I just got off the Google back up chat. The tech did not know the archived emails were in All Post. He asked me to get to I clicked his link and it took me there, but closed the chat window. I Google missing annal folder on Android. That is when I found out about them being in All Post with no style to filter them. Going back to Outlook to see if that works.

    2. in the search field type "in:archive" (without quotes )and y'all will see only archived emails

      1. yup! this works!! thanks!!!

  2. I accept over xv,000 Gmails in "All Mail". About 13,000 of these were inadvertently "archived" over many years, when I really intended to "delete" them. (During those years I was totally unaware of the right-and-left swipe settings that apparently default to "archive".)

    And so…is it true that there's NO Way to select Just my archived emails and delete them in bulk? Does Google actually await a user like me to select and delete 13,000 archived Gmails individually?

    If so, this is something that Google has got to fix. How do I bring information technology to their attention?

    1. From my experience, and after reading Metric Sh#t Tons (that means "very, very many") of aroused posts by Users, I conclude that Google customarily deflects questions and complaints nigh bugs with useless advice and denials of serious defects. Also bad. Because, when they work, their products are Stellar! Then grievously dissppointed. Heartbroken; since I was a diehard Applehead for 42 years, my growing discontent with them since Jobs' difference was cinched by my intense excitement over the upcoming Pixel 6 Pro and symbiotic Google environment. But: no die.

  3. Gmail sux! Who would notice these stupid labels useful? Give me folders. I thought it was deleting similar every other programme. At present there is absolutely no option for seeing all archived emails and ONLY archived ones. As presently as I forrard important messages, I am done with this garbage.

  4. Thank y'all very much. I couldn't observe an email I received yesterday, then I thought I accidentally archived information technology. I found it using "in:all". Thanks

  5. 1000% Concord. This commodity has to have been written by someone who is paid by Google. The archive feature is NOT thoughtful or helpful and is in fact the bain of EVERY SINGLE Google user who has accidentally used it because Google has very UNhelpfully placed the icon every bit the first icon and you cant movement it AND they have automatically prepare the swipe feature to annal files thus rendering them totally unfinable EVER. If they used a Label to mark the email as ARCHIVED so that you could search for them that would be fine. If they left the Annal characterization as an detail in your label tree then that you could meet the "lets phone call it what information technology is… LOST" e-mail that would be fine merely all they have done is subconscious the email away from yous in the All Mail section with no fashion to differentiate information technology from the other 10000000's of emails that are in there. This is the DUMBEST piece of coding since Y2K

    1. I won't annotate on whether this feature is useful or non, merely this commodity or in fact anything on this website till today is not sponsored past anyone, I only publish/share my cognition/understanding.

  6. Nobody wants to look at "all mail".
    What nosotros want is to run across "all archived messages. ONLY archived messages".
    How to exercise this seems to be a slap-up undercover. Any idea?

  7. If I right-swipe an electronic mail in my inbox it says it'southward archived. If I expect in all mail, is there a marker against archived emails or practice I have to know what I desire to see specifically?

    1. Nope Jim it has been banished to the LOST IN YOUR ALL E-mail folder with no distinguishing feature so that yous can chase it down. IF you know what the title of the email is you tin can follow the directions in this PAID commentary and self congratulatory blog post to possibly find it in the giant pile of emails that are in your ALL EMAILS label but at that place is no label or marker or notations that will pb you to the emails that y'all take accidentally "archived" (ie lost). I would highly recommend changing the swipe functions on your devices so you reduce the adventure of using Google's "Lose your email" function and wish you luck in finding that which Google has helped you to lose….

  8. This does not help at all. If y'all want to delete all the emails that had been archived, this does not provide yous with "archived" label or folder or tag so that you tin delete all such emails.

    I take been archiving instead of deleting by mistake because of some crazy default setting and now have to go re-select what I want to delete? Please, tell me I'm wrong.


    1. hello,

      you will have to become in ALL Mail and so pick/search/filter to select and DELETE emails you want NO Longer desire else they will lay and swallow space in your archive folder. yeah, that'due south what you lot volition have to do on some long weekend ๐Ÿ˜

      BTW on the mobile Gmail App, you can modify the default activity from "Archive" to something else like "Delete".

  9. My archived isn't showing upwardly in all mail service either!

  10. Pingback: How to unarchive Gmail messages on desktop or mobile ...

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  13. G mail Admin
    In your statement on internet in words ,nosotros did sent e post to other adresses or delete past accident ,…..

    Admin!!!!!????? Annal means store information technology ,not delete it ???
    If archive ,……information technology mustbe in all mail ????? Right ????

    What hapend to the other e mails whick i never touched considering its at that place for exchibits

    The fact is ,…..Gmail requite me that security on archiving e mail i dont desire to loose ….

    This is crucial Grand mail Admin ,……Court case is on easily

    Please refer dorsum to me ,…..?

    1. That is right, if you archive, it goes to your All Mails labels, I don't know why you aren't seeing them in that location, non sure if you take any dominion to delete them, check with Google support.

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