
How To Find Standard Deviation From Expected Value

How exercise y'all find the summary statistics (standard divergence, expected value, and variance) for a detached distribution?

Jenn (B.S., M.Ed.) of Calcworkshop® teaching the formulas for discrete probability distribution

Jenn, Founder Calcworkshop®, 15+ Years Experience (Licensed & Certified Instructor)

You're in the right place because yous'll just that with these five step-past-step examples that follow.

Permit'south get!

Two useful summaries for a probability distribution are the:

  • Hateful
  • Variance

As they help us place the middle and variability of a probability distribution.

The mean of a random variable is ordinarily called the expected value, and the standard divergence is sometimes called the standard error.

The formulas for finding the hateful, variance, and standard departure of a discrete random variable are:


And so, now that we are armed with our formulas for finding the measure of eye and the measure of dispersion let'due south meet them in action.

For example, let's determine the mean number of heads and the standard deviation in flipping a coin three times.

Offset, we need to create a sample space and probability distribution.

sample space for recording order of heads and tails

Sample Space For Recording Gild Of Heads And Tails

What questions tin can y'all answer from the above sample infinite?

If you lot flip three fair coins, what is the probability that y'all'll go at least two heads?

Well, by looking at our distribution we tin can see that getting at to the lowest degree two caput is a 3/eight chance, whereas the probability that you'll get all three heads is a one/8 chance.

Merely is this what we expect? What's the average number of heads when we flip a fair coins iii times?

Let's utilise our formulas to discover the:

  1. Expected Value (Mean)
  2. Variation
  3. Standard Error (Standard Difference)

for our distribution.

Consequently, if we flip a coin 3 times, we expect to go 1.5 heads, and the standard error or deviation is 0.866.

But, did you know that in that location's an culling form for finding the variance that is piece of cake to utilize and extremely convenient?

The culling formula for finding variance is as follows:

alternate formula for variance

Alternate Formula For Variance


Permit's use this culling formula for variance in the following question.

The Acme company offers flood insurance policies for homeowners. Below is a list of Superlative payout claims due to flooding throughout a year. What is the expected amount that Top volition pay for flood claims in a year? And what is the standard error, or the spread of those payments?

alternative variance example

Alternative Variance Instance

Based on these numbers the Acme visitor should wait to pay $684 on average with a standard error of $ane,200.85

Throughout this lesson, we will be using these formulas to successfully calculate the expected value, variance, and standard difference for discrete distributions. We volition too utilize these summary statistics to help us compare two discrete probability distributions.

Standard Deviation Variance Expected Value – Lesson & Examples (Video)

43 min

  • Introduction to Video: Mean and Variance of a Discrete Random Variable
  • 00:00:35 – How to find the expected value, variance and standard difference of a detached random variable with Example #1
  • Sectional Content for Members Only
  • 00:11:32 – Given the probability distribution of Ten observe the hateful and variance (Case #2)
  • 00:xvi:11 – Given the probability distribution and the hateful, find the value of c in the range of 10 (Example #3)
  • 00:xx:31 – What is the expected profit and variability? (Example #4)
  • 00:27:21 – How do rental vs endemic housing units compare? Brand a histogram comparing probability distributions (Instance #5a)
  • 00:33:44 – How practise rental vs endemic housing units compare? Discover the mean number or expected number of rooms for both types of housing units (Example #5b)
  • 00:37:fifty – How do rental vs endemic housing units compare? Detect the standard difference for both owner-occupied and renter-occupied distributions (Example #5c)
  • Practice Problems with Footstep-by-Step Solutions
  • Affiliate Tests with Video Solutions

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